Faculty expertise
Construction engineering
Hyun Koo
- Construction engineering and management
- Defect management
- Design quality management
- Building information modeling
Environmental engineering
Timothy Dittrich
- Contaminant transport modeling
- Studying how small clay particles help radioactive materials move faster through shallow surface and groundwater environments
Yaoxian Huang
- Atmospheric chemistry and climate modeling
- Impacts of anthropogenic emissions on air quality, climate and health
- Aerosol-cloud-radiation interaction
- Impacts of climate change on air quality
- Greenhouse gas quantification and attribution
- Satellite remote sensing
- Big data application in science and engineering
Shawn McElmurry
- The influence of land use on surface water quality
- Assessing the role dissolved organic carbon (DOC) plays in the transport and toxicity of trace metals and organic pollutants
- Evaluating the impact of decaying urban infrastructure on human health
- Assessing the behavior of emerging contaminants
- Developing new analytical techniques that can be used for micro-devices which will allow for real-time, in-situ measurement of chemical constituents
Carol Miller
- Urban water resources
- Water - energy - emissions nexus
- River hydraulics
William Shuster
- Urban hydrology with an emphasis on stormwater, wastewater management
- Hydraulics of urbanized soils and regulation of contaminant fate and transport processes
- Rendering of ecosystem services from urbanized landscapes
- Issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in services from civil-environmental infrastructure
- Demolition science
Yongli Zhang Wager
- Management of emerging contaminants (microplastics and endocrine disrupting compounds) in natural and engineered water systems;
- Water treatment and water quality;
- Environmental sensor technology and monitoring;
- Renewable bio-energy, especially as pertaining to algal biofuel;
- Integrated bio-energy generation and wastewater treatment;
- Evaluating economic and environmental sustainability of emerging technologies by using life cycle assessment (LCA), life cycle costing (LCC), economic analysis, and system-level optimization and modeling.
Structural engineering
Christopher Eamon
- Structural reliability analysis
- Reliability based design optimization
- Probabilistic design
- Computational methods
Fatmir Menkulasi
- Innovative and sustainable structural systems for buildings and bridges
- Behavior of concrete, steel and composite structures
- Novel materials for infrastructure applications
- Computational modeling to perform limit state analysis
- Resilient lateral load resisting systems
- Experimental research and use of high performance materials
- Structural health monitoring, short and long term behavior of structures
- Forensics and rehabilitation of infrastructure
Transportation engineering
Steven Lavrenz
- Transportation safety and equity
- Multimodal and urban infrastructure
- Non-motorized transportation operations and safety
- Transportation and public health
Xiaodong Qian
- Transportation equity
- Intelligent transportation systems
- Emerging mobilities
- GIS in transportation planning