Carol Miller

Carol Miller

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Carol Miller


  • Co-Director, WSU One Health Initiative, 2021 – Present
  • U.S. Chair, Great Lakes Science Advisory Board, International Joint Commission, 2015-Present.
  • Chair, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Wayne State University, 2007-2012.
  • Chair, Wayne State University Standing Committee on Environmental Initiatives, 2008-2015.
  • Chair, College of Engineering, Faculty Assembly, 2002-2004.
  • Director, WSU,Healthy Urban Waters, 2014-present.
  • Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Wayne State University, 1998 present.
  • Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Wayne State University, 1989 - 1998.
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Wayne State University, 1984 - 1989.
  • Project Engineer, STS Consultants, Ann Arbor, MI, 1982-1984. Performed water infrastructure analysis, flood, insurance studies, dam safety investigations, groundwater contamination remediation design, and waterway analysis.

Research Projects

Selected Listings

  • The Erb Family Foundation, PI, (5/2021-4/2024, $450,000), Emerging Contaminants and Engagement with Watershed Organizations.
  • Ford Community Corps, PI, (12/2020 – 6/2021, $3000), Tree planting data and map creation for Greening of Detroit.
  • Environmental Protection Agency – P3 Grant, PI. (6/01/2020-6/01/2021, $26,416), GSI-Informed Urban Groundwater Monitoring Networks. 
  • CIGLR, Co-PI, (A. Steinman), Groundwater in Crisis: Addressing Groundwater Challenge in Michigan as a Template for the Great Lakes Summit, 2021, $20,000. 
  • MDHHS, Co-PI (W. Schuster, PI), Dorm-level wastewater monitoring for SARS CoV-2 material: a process-based approach to inform early-warning and control (Wayne State U., Detroit MI) 2020-7510, $263,809.
  • CURES (NIEHS Center for Urban Responses to Stressors), PI, Exploring Mechanisms and Pathways of VOC Migration Beneath Detroit's Neighborhoods, 09/14/2020 – 03/31/2022, $65,000.
  • The Erb Family Foundation, PI, Healthy Urban Waters – Phase II, $800,000 (2018-2021).
  • National Science Foundation, PI, Rapid: Investigations and Analysis Associated with Massive Sewage Blockage, $80,000 (2019-20).
  • National Science Foundation, Field Stations and Marine Laboratories: HEART Field Stations for HEALTHY URBAN WATERS (2016-2018). PI
  • National Science Foundation, NRT: Transformative Research in Urban Sustainability and Training T-RUST, (2017-2021) $2,900,000; co-PI. (Donna Kashian, PI)
  • National Science Foundation, Identifying Generation and Emission Sources for Individual Loads at Specific Locations and Times: Toward Environmentally Sensitive and Guided Electricity Usage, (2015-2018) $359,965; co-PI. NSF, ECCS-1508910. (Caisheng Wang, PI)
  • National Institute of Health; National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (2016-2018), Rapid Response to Contaminants in Flint Drinking Water. $421,435 total, McElmurry, S.P.; Miller, C.J.; Pitts, D.K.; Sackey, D.J.; Seeger, M.; Masten, S.J.; Hanna-Attisha, M. McElmurry is PI
  • National Science Foundation, REU: Summer Academy in Sustainable Manufacturing (2016); faculty participant (Huang, Rickli co-PIs)
  • American Water Works Association (AWWA), (2016). Accelerating the Shift to Environmentally Sensitive Electricity through Collaborative Competition (GLPF project #1072). Total Grant $550,000. WSU portion $150,000. PI
  • Michigan Energy Office (2017-2018). PI. Benchmarking Energy Consumption in Detroit’s Municipal Buildings. $80,000. (two awards)
  • ERB Family Foundation, (2015-2018). PI. Healthy Urban Waters. $650,000


Selected Listings

Teimoori, S., O'Leary, B., & Miller, C. (2021). Modeling shallow urban groundwater at regional and local scales: Case study in Detroit, MI, Water, 13, 11,1515.

Wang, C., Wang, Y., Rouholamini, M., & Miller, C. (2021). An Equivalent Circuit-Based Approach for Power and Emission Tracing in Power Networks, IEEE Systems Journal, DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2021.3067296

Hu, T., Wang, C. and Miller, C. (2021). Identification of Marginal Generation Units Based on Publicly Available Information. Applied Energy. 281, article:116073, DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.116073

Miller, C.J., Runge-Morris M, Cassidy-Bushrow AE, Straughen JK, Dittrich TM, Baker TR, Petriello MC, Mor G, Ruden D, O’Leary B, Teimoori S, Tummala C, Heldman S, Agarwal M, Roth K, Yang Z, Baker BB. (2020). A review of volatile organic compound contamination in post-industrial urban centers: reproductive health implications using a Detroit lens. Int J Environ Res Public Health; 17, 23, 8755;

Wang, J., Baskaran M., Kumar A., Bilhan O., Miller, C. (2020). Reconstruction of Temporal Variations of Metal Concentrations using Radiochronology (239+240Pu and 137Cs) in Sediments from Kizilirmak River, Turkey. Journal of Paleolimnology. DOI: 10.1007/s10933-020-00154-w

Steis Thorsby, J., Miller, C. J., Treemore-Spears, L. (2020). The Role of Green Infrastructure in Flood Mitigation (Detroit, MI, USA) – Case Study. Urban Water Journal, 17, 9, 838-846, DOI:

Vasquez, A., Kabalan, B., Ram, J., Miller, C. (2020). The Biodiversity of Water Mites That Prey on and Parasitize Mosquitoes, Diversity, Online Edition, MDPI. P. 226.

Barkach, J. H., Miller, C., Selegean, J. P., Bradley, E. A. (2020). Comparison of Watershed Sediment Delivery Estimates of 60 Michigan Rivers Using the USACE Great Lakes Regional Trendline and the Syvitski and Milliman Global BQART Equation. Journal of Hydrology, 582, article:124460.

Rouholamini, M., Miller, C. J., Wang, C. (2019). Determining consumer's carbon emission obligation through virtual emission tracing in power systems. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 39, 1.

(Best Paper Award) Bilhan, O., Aydin, M.C., Emiroglu, M.E., Miller, C.J. (2018). Experimental and CFD Analysis of Circular Labyrinth Weirs. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 144, 6, DOI:

Bilhan, O., Emiroglu, M. E., Miller, C. J., Ulas, M. (2018). The evaluation of the effect of nappe breakers on the discharge capacity of trapezoidal labyrinth weirs by ELM and SVR approaches. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 64, 71-82. DOE:

Xu, L., Miller, C.J., Olson, J. et al. (2018). Huron-to-Erie Water Quality Data Platform. Environmental Processes. 5, 465.

Sadatiyan, S. M., Miller, C. J. (2017). PEPSO: Reducing Electricity Usage and Associated Pollution Emissions of Water Pumps. Water, 9, 9, 640.

Alighalehbabakhani, F., Miller, C.J., Baskaran, M., Selegean, J., Barkach, J., Dahl, T., Abkenar, S.M. (2017). Forecasting the remaining reservoir capacity in the Laurentian Great Lakes watershed, Journal of Hydrology, 555, 926-937,

Zhao, Z., Wang, C., Wang, Y., Miller, C.J. (2017). Temporal and Spatial Load Management for Cost and Emission Reduction, Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (CJECE), 40, 2, 83-92.

Mao, X., Miller, C., Zheng, X., Zhou, L. (2017). Cement Improved Highly Weathered Phyllite for Highway Subgrades: a case study in Shaanxi Province, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 4, 4, 403-411.

Professional Affiliations

  • Registered Professional Engineer (PE), Michigan
  • Chair, State of Michigan Board of Professional Engineers, 2002-03

Awards and Honors

  • UM Chapter, Chi Epsilon, Honorary Member, April 2020
  • Board Member – Water Environment Research Foundation, 2015 – present
  • National Academy of Sciences Invited Speaker, May 2014
  • Guest Editor – Sustainable Computing (Elsevier), Special Issue on Water&Energy, 2014
  • Fellow - Engineering Society of Detroit, Inducted as Fellow, June 2012
  • Member - Tau Beta Pi - National Engineering Honor Society
  • Member - Sigma Xi
  • Career Development Chair Award, WSU


  • BIO 7310 Urban Sustainability Seminar
  • CE 5410: Energy Emission Environment
  • Honors 1000: City (1)
  • BE 1200: Introduction to Engineering Design
  • CEE 3250: Fluid Mechanics
  • CEE 4995: Senior Capstone Design (shared among faculty)
  •  CEE 6130: Engineering Hydraulics (Open Channel Flow)
  • CEE 6190: Groundwater Hydraulics
  • CEE 6270: Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
  • CEE 6580: GeoEnvironmental Engineering and Remediation
  • CEE 7190: Advanced Groundwater Hydraulics
  • FPH 7420: Water Infrastructure and Public Health (Lectures)
  • Directed study at undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels


PhD in Civil Engineering, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
MSE in Civil Engineering, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
BSE in Civil Engineering, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Courses taught by Carol Miller

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