William Shuster, Ph.D.

William Shuster, Ph.D.

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering


William Shuster, Ph.D.


Department, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Courses Taught

CE 2000: How Cities Work (General education, social inquiry), offered each Winter semester.

Research Interests

  • Urban hydrology with an emphasis on stormwater, wastewater management
  • Hydraulics of urbanized soils and regulation of contaminant fate and transport processes
  • Rendering of ecosystem services from urbanized landscapes
  • Rectifying impacts of oppression, inequity, and exclusion on civil-environmental infrastructure
  • Demolition science


Selected publications (80+ peer-review journal publications)

The role of inflow and infiltration (I/I) on urban water balances and streamflow regimes: A hydrograph analysis along the sewershed-watershed continuum (in press, Feb. 2023). Zhang, K., Sebo, S., McDonald, W., Bhaskar, A., Shuster, W., Stewart, R., & Parolari, A., Water Resources Research.

Urban sponges: vacant lands impart hydrological benefits across city landscapes. 2020. Christa Kelleher*, Heather E. Golden, Sean Burkholder, and William Shuster. Nature Communications. https://rdcu.be/b3ftG

Full Water-Cycle Monitoring in an Urban Catchment Reveals Unexpected Water Transfers (Detroit MI, USA). 2019. Hoard, C., Haefner, R.*, Shuster, W., Pieschek, R., and Beeler, S., Journal of American Water Resources Association

Black carbon in urban soils: implications for water quality management with green infrastructure. 2018. Schifman, L.A., A. Prues, K. Gilkey, Shuster, WD*. Science of the Total Environment. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.06.396

Widespread loss of intermediate soil horizons in urban landscapes. 2018. Herrmann, D.L., L.A. Schifman, W.D. Shuster*. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. http://www.pnas.org/content/115/26/6751.short

Measurement of urban soil hydraulic properties and comparison with simulated data. 2018.  Schifman, L.A. and W.D. Shuster*. J. Hydrologic Eng.,  doi/full/10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001684

Street-level emissions of methane and nitrous oxide from the wastewater collection system in Cincinnati, Ohio. 2018. Fries, A.E., L.A. Schifman, W.D. Shuster, and A. Townsend-Small*. Environmental Pollution. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2018.01.076

Professional Affiliations

American Geophysical Union
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Sigma Xi


Ph.D., Environmental Science, 2000. The Ohio State University, Columbus.

B.S., Physics, 1987. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Courses taught by William Shuster, Ph.D.

Winter Term 2022

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