- Computer Science minor
- Industrial Engineering minor
- Electrical and Computer Engineering minor
- Mechanical Engineering minor
Computer Science minor
Adding a computer science minor to your Wayne State degree will provide you with the opportunity to learn coding logic and data structures, which are the foundation to computer programming and software engineering. The required courses for the minor are also the foundational courses for the major. Therefore, if a student decides to change from a minor to a major, the classes are already aligned.
Industrial Engineering minor
The minor in industrial engineering (IE) is a new program designed to give engineering and science undergraduate students a core of systems/business thinking, applied statistics, lean management, quality management and operations research skills to approach design, monitoring and control problems arising in complex systems and industrial settings.
Electrical and Computer Engineering minor
The minor in electrical and computer engineering (ECE) will provide an exciting opportunity to acquire knowledge of electrical and computer engineering as needed in today’s technology-driven society. Mechanical, chemical, medical, computer science and many other fields fundamentally rely on electronics, computer hardware and software interfaces more than ever before.
Learn more about the minor in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Mechanical Engineering minor
A minor in mechanical engineering (ME) offers students enrolled in other disciplines a solid and comprehensive background in key mechanical engineering topics such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, manufacturing, and advanced design. It provides students with skills that are useful across many disciplines and opens up career opportunities in various sectors such as energy, infrastructure,manufacturing, robotics, aerospace, automotive, and biomedical.