Minor in industrial engineering

The minor in industrial engineering (IE) is a program designed to give engineering and science undergraduate students a core of systems/business thinking, applied statistics, lean management, quality management and operations research skills to approach design, monitoring and control problems arising in complex systems and industrial settings.
Our goal is to educate WSU students for industrial engineering positions in a broad spectrum of employment including manufacturing, supply chain management and logistics, health care, banking, information management and related disciplines.
What you will learn in the minor in industrial engineering program
- How to identify, analyze, and solve complex engineering problems using industrial engineering principles and tools.
- Effective communication techniques for engaging with all audiences.
- How to collaborate effectively in teams, providing leadership, setting goals, planning tasks and achieving objectives.
- How to design and conduct experiments, analyze data, and apply engineering judgment to draw meaningful conclusions.
The program requires students to complete a minimum of 18 credits in course work. The program is made up of one required course (BE 2100 or an equivalent probability and statistics course(s), two courses to be selected among 14 IE core courses and three additional 3000 level or above IE courses. All courses will be three credits each and will be offered by the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department at the College of Engineering, except for BE 2100. This curriculum will provide an integrated breadth of industrial engineering tailored to students' specific interests and career goals.
BE 2100 is offered in Fall, Winter and Spring/Summer semesters. The prerequisite for BE 2100 is MAT 2020 , which can be taken concurrently.
A minimum 2.50 grade point average among the courses taken towards minor in industrial engineering is required to complete the program. A maximum of one course in which a C has been received may be used to meet minor requirements, provided this is offset by sufficient grades to maintain the required 2.50 average.
Students who have taken a probability and statistics course other than BE 2100 are required to take IE 4250 Engineering Data Analysis or IE 6210 Applied Engineering Statistics as one of their electives.
- IE core courses (select 2)
Course number Course title Prerequisites Fall IE 3120 Work Design BE 2100 Winter
IE 4250 Engineering Data Analysis or
IE 6210 Applied Engineering Statistics
Winter DSA 6100Statistical Methods for Data Science and Analytics None Fall IE 4260 Principles of Quality Control BE 2100 Winter IE 4310 Production Control ENG 3050 Winter IE 4330 Facilities Design None Winter IE 4420 Systems Simulation BE 2100 Fall
IE 4560 Operations Research or
IE 6560 Deterministic Optimization
BE 2100 and MAT 2150
Fall DSA 6200 Operations Research None Fall IE 4850 Engineering Economy BE 2100 Winter/Spring-Summer IE 6611 Fundamentals of Six Sigma None Winter/Spring-Summer IE 6840 Project Management None
- IE elective courses (select 3)
Course number Course title Prerequisites Fall IE 6000 Digital Automation None Spring/Summer IE 6220 Value Engineering None Winter IE 6240 Quality Management Systems None Winter IE 6270 Engineering Experimental Design IE 4250 or IE 6210 Fall IE 6275 Reliability Estimation IE 4250 or IE 6210 Fall/Spring-Summer IE 6310 Lean Operations and Manufacturing IE 4250 or IE 6210 Winter IE 6315 Production and Service Systems IE 6210 Fall (Every other year)
IE 6405 Integrated Product Development
Winter IE 6425 Product Lifecycle Management and Sustainable Design None Fall IE 6325 Supply Chain Management None Fall (Every other year) IE 6435 Fundamentals of Sustainable Manufacturing None Fall SYE 6490 Introduction to Systems Engineering in Design None Fall IE 6510 Information Systems for the Manufacturing Enterprise None Fall DSA 6000 Data Science and Analytics None Winter DSA 6300 Decision Analysis and Simulation None
Minor in IE provides flexibility for course selection. Minor in IE students may select courses to specialize in fields of industrial engineering, including analytics and data science, operations research, quality and statistics, supply chain engineering, and manufacturing systems.
Specializations and curriculum
The following specializations include examples of recommended courses. Students should consult with their advisor to customize their course selection based on their specific area of interest.
- Analytics & Data Science
Course number Course title Credits BE 2100 Probability and Statistics 3 IE 4250 Engineering Data Analytics (or IE 6210/DSA 6100) 3 IE 4560 Operations Research (or IE 6560 or DSA 6200) 3 IE 6270 Engineering Experimental Design 3 IE 6510 Information Systems for the Manufacturing Enterprise 3 IE 6840 Project Management 3 - Operations Research
- Quality & Statistics
- Supply Chain Engineering
- Manufacturing Systems
Admission requirements
Students from all science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) disciplines will be considered for admission. Students must have completed at least 60 credits and declare their major before applying for the minor in IE program. A minimum grade point average of 2.50 is required for admission to the minor in Industrial Engineering. No accreditation is available for the minor in industrial engineering.