Proposal submissions

The proposal deadlines below are provided to give the engineering research staff sufficient time to effectively support faculty in the College of Engineering:
15 days prior to the due date: Fill out and submit the online Engineering Proposal Request Form. Any applications received less than 15 days cannot be guaranteed submission.
5 business days prior to due date: Final budget, budget justification, and other administrative documents are due to the Research Administrator assigned to your department.
3 business days prior to the due date: All proposals must be in their final form including proposal documents, and technical components are due to SPA for final review and approval.
AT RISK DESIGNATION - Proposals submitted to SPA less than 24 hours prior to the sponsor's deadline must be endorsed by the Associate Dean for Research, Dr. Leela Arava.
** Please note that proposals received by SPA less than two (2) hours prior to the funding agency's deadline will not be submitted.
Contact us
If you have any questions as it relates to research matters, please contact the research administrator assigned to your department:
Angela Childrey, CEE, ME & Dean's Office
Sonya Davis, ChE, ECE & ET
Carol Link, BME, ISE & CS
Visit the Sponsored Program Administration (SPA) website to learn more about related policies and procedures.
Kimberly Andrews Espy, Ph.D.
President, Wayne State University
Wayne State is truly a place where dreams are realized. Where knowledge, passion and inspiration lead to new discoveries and new pathways to success.
Kimberly Andrews Espy, Ph.D.
President, Wayne State University