Opportunities for employers

We're very interested to offer you opportunities to connect with students via workshops, zoom meetings, or webinars.  Some students prefer to attend events remotely while others prefer in-person.  

Employer events

Career fairs

Each year the College of Engineering hosts a fall and winter Career Fair to promote internship, co-op and full-time opportunities for our engineering students. Our largest career fair is typically held in the fall of each year. Last year, our fall career fair featured approximately 60 employers and more than 500 College of Engineering students and alumni.

Information sessions

Information sessions hosted on campus are a great way for you to share information about your company brand and hiring needs with engineering and computer science students. Most information sessions include a presentation about company culture, employee perks/benefits, application process, and current projects. They are generally held in our newly renovated Ford Activity Center room located in the College of Engineering. Information sessions are free for employers to host, but most employers do choose to provide lunch/dinner or light refreshments for students as an added bonus. 

Recruiting table/room

If you are looking for a more casual way to connect with students, you can host a recruiting table or room in the College of Engineering. We will promote the event to students in advance. Most interactions will be short 2-3 minute conversations on opportunities at your company, and ways to approach applying (and best fit). Most employers bring resources along with them, such as infographics, job postings, information on the company, and small giveaways. 

Professional development workshops

Our Career Resource Center team works hard to provide professional development workshops for students, but we know that the best professional development insights come from industry directly. We always welcome companies to come to campus to host professional development seminars for our students and alumni. We've had employers present workshops on topics such as resume writing, STAR interviewing, working with recruiters, navigating corporate culture and many other topics. We are always open to hearing new ideas.

Research and Senior Capstone/Design projects

A great way for you to become involved on campus and get to know our talented engineers is to have your company participate in a senior design capstone project. Industry-sponsored projects allow students to apply their engineering expertise to a real-world problem, all while benefiting the company sponsor.

Our senior-level students will work in teams on real-world projects brought forth by company representatives. At the end of the term, student teams will present their work to company representatives and department faculty. Students will receive a grade from the capstone professor based in part on their work on the project. Depending on the scope and discipline, projects may require one to two semesters to complete.

Sponsorship benefits 

  • Having bright young minds bring a fresh perspective to your unique challenges.
  • Access to the college's extensive facilities to work on the project.
  • Optional input and expertise from faculty advisors.
  • Increased visibility for your firm among our graduating seniors.
  • Assistance with recruitment from our Engineering Career Resources Center.
  • Acknowledgement on the college's website.
  • Invitation to Design Day, where students will present their completed projects.
  • Making a difference in the lives of our next generation of engineers and computer scientists.

The college has a long history of partnering with industry to solve problems. We rank in the top 30 percent of all engineering programs in the nation in research expenditures, according to the National Science Foundation. This new capstone initiative will extend these opportunities to our undergraduate students and give them valuable hands-on experience working with industry professionals.

Request more information about our College of Engineering event opportunities

Posting an opportunity

Posting a job with Wayne State University's College of Engineering has never been easier. With our career portal Handshake, you are able to freely post opportunities for our students and alumni, share events and search student resumes. Before posting, please review and follow the Handshake Posting Guidelines.

Using Handshake

Using Handshake is a breeze. Simply visit the new employer Handshake registration page, create an account if you don't already have one, and post your opportunity. Once approved by Career Resource Center staff, your job will be visible to College of Engineering students. Visit the Handshake Help Center for more information on using Handshake.

The Engineering Career Resource Center adheres to the National Association of Colleges and Employers' (NACE) Principles for Professional Practice and supports the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidelines. By creating an account on Handshake, the employer agrees to abide by NACE and EEOC standards as well as the guidelines set forth by Wayne State University.

Looking for students outside of the College of Engineering?

If you're looking for other students and alumni in disciplines other than engineering and computer science, please contact WSU's Central Career Services.

Resume referral requests

The Engineering Career Resource Center does not screen candidates for employers, in accordance with the NACE Professional Practice Guidelines.

The ECRC staff will provide support in notifying all eligible students (based on a job description) of the vacancy so that you will receive resumes from students which identify themselves as a qualified candidate.

Employers requesting support to identify Wayne State engineering and computer science students (and alumni) must complete the following steps:

  • Register and be an approved company on Handshake
  • Post the open vacancies to Handshake so that it is accessible to all WSU engineering and computer science students
  • All vacancies posted must follow our Handshake Posting Guidelines
  • Contact ECRC staff to inform them of position opening at least one week before the application window closes.

** Please contact Jenelle Michaels if there are special circumstances that will prevent you from following this process.

Placement requests

The Engineering Career Resource Center is not a placement office, and therefore does not place students in internship, co-op or employment opportunities. Employers are invited to campus for career fairs, recruiting events (information sessions/recruiting tables), and to post open vacancies to Wayne State Students. ECRC staff are available to help with the set-up and promotion of those events and vacancies. 

Employer feedback

Getting feedback from industry is one of the most effective tools we have for providing continuous improvement of our Career Center practices and preparing our students for their careers.

If you are an industry employer and you have feedback related to either the Engineering Career Resource Center or the career-preparedness of WSU College of Engineering students and/or alumni, or have an idea for a career-related workshop or event, please contact Jenelle Michaels.