Research and faculty
Wayne State biomedical engineering students are positioned to provide leadership in emerging growth areas that will shape the future, including:
- Biomedical imaging and instrumentation
- Computational and systems biology
- Injury and musculosketal biomechanics
- Tissue engineering and biomaterials
Wayne State is one of the world's leading institutions for the characterization of human response and injury tolerance. WSU research has led to the development and improvement of standards for automotive safety and sports helmet design. In recent years, additional research efforts have been initiated in the areas of ballistic, forensic bioengineering, orthopedic biomechanics, biomaterials and tissue engineering, neurophysiology of pain, smart sensors and integrated microsystems.
Starting as early as the first week of the semester, partner physicians and clinical clients introduce current BME problems to students, who work in teams and apply clinical knowledge in WSU's design labs to develop solutions.
Biomedical imaging innovations enable biologists and doctors to see what was previously invisible, often leading to significant scientific breakthroughs. Our lab is dedicated to developing new and unique optical imaging techniques to answer important biological questions and uncover the mechanisms of diseases.
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