Murat Yildirim

Murat Yildirim

Associate Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering; Director, Cyber Physical Systems Laboratory


Murat Yildirim



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Dr. Murat Yildirim is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Wayne State University. Prior to joining Wayne State, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Georgia Institute of Technology (2016-2018). Dr. Yildirim's research interest lies in advancing the integration of mathematical programming and data analytics in various application domains. Specifically, he focuses on the modeling and the computational challenges arising from the integration of real-time inferences generated by advanced data analytics and simulation into large-scale mathematical programming models used for optimizing and controlling networked systems. Since 2019, his research at Wayne State received the generous support of Ford Motor Company, NSF, DoE, and MTRAC; raising a total funding of $4.9M, with a personal share $1.23M.

  • Assistant Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Wayne State University 2019 -
  • Postdoctoral Researcher in Industrial Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2016-2018

Research Group


  • Abdullah Alanazi, PhD Student
  • Deniz Altinpulluk, PhD Student
  • Mohammad Badfar, PhD Student (coadvised)
  • Muhammet Ceyhan Sahin, PhD Student
  • Iman Kazemian, PhD Student
  • Ahmad Alqahtani, PhD Student
  • Beril Akkaya, PhD Student (incoming)


  • Nur Banu Demir, PhD Student (first position - Quantitative Research Associate @ JP Morgan)
  • Farnaz Fallahi, PhD Student (current position - Data Scientist @ Wallmart)
  • Suleyman Yildirim (current position - Data Science Manager @ BLEND360 - coadvised with Alper murat)

Submitted Papers:

Kazemian I, Yildirim M., Ramanan P. "Attention is All You Need to Optimize Wind Farm Operations and Maintenance" under revision in IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy

Altinpulluk D., Yildirim, M. "Robust Condition-Based Generation Maintenance: Balancing Operations and Start/Stop Cycling to Control Asset Degradation Rates"under revision in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

Yang J., Yildirim M., Feng Q. "Accelerating Distributed Optimization: A Primal-Dual Perspective on Local Steps"

Badfar M., Yildirim M., Chinnam R., "State-of-Charge Estimation across Battery Chemistries: A Novel Regression-Based Method and Insights from Unsupervised Domain Adaptation" under revision in Journal of Power Sources

Badfar M., Yildirim M., Chinnam R., "A Modular Framework for Sensor-Driven Failure Prediction in Energy Systems: An Industrial Case Study of PV Inverters" under revision in IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy

Altinpulluk, D., Fallahi F., Yildirim M., Feizollahi J. “Robust Condition Based Production Planning: Embedding Multi-Component Degradation Interactions to Synergize Operations & Failure Risks” under revision in IISE Transactions

Sahin, C., Altinpulluk D., Yildirim M., Zhou S., Qiu F. "A Degradation-Based Stochastic Optimization Framework for Inspection and Maintenance in Marine Energy System"  under revision in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Altinpulluk N., Altinpulluk D., Yildirim M., Zhou S., Qiu F., Greco A. "A survey on degradation modeling, prognostics, and prognostics-driven maintenance in wind energy systems" under revision in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Fallahi, F., Yildirim, M., , Qiu F., Zhou S. “Revisiting Sensor-Driven Asset Management Models in Energy Systems: Implications for Full and Partial Transformation in Hydro Fleets” under revision in INFORMS Journal on Data Science 


Altinpulluk, N., Altinpulluk, D., Ramanan P., Yildirim M., Qiu F., "Catalyzing deep decarbonization with federated battery diagnosis and prognosis for better data management in energy storage systems" Cell Reports Physical Science (2024)

Papadopoulos P, Fallahi F., Yildirim M, Ezzat A, "Joint optimization of maintenance and production in offshore wind farms: Balancing the short-and long-term needs of wind energy operation" IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (2024).

[Conf] Chowdhury T, Nguyen H, Ramanan P, Yildirim M, Tutuncuoglu G "The Lynchpin of In-Memory Computing: A Benchmarking Framework for Vector-Matrix Multiplication in RRAMs" International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems (2024)

Liu L, Luo Y, Wang Z, Qiu F, Zhao S, Yildirim M, Roychowdhury R "Deep Learning-Based Failure Prognostic Model for PV Inverter Using Field Measurements" IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (2024).

Karakaya, S., Yildirim, M., Gebraeel, N., Xia, T. “A Sensor-Driven Operations and Maintenance Planning Approach for Large-Scale Leased Manufacturing Systems” - International Journal of Production Research (2023).

[conf] S Karakaya, M Yildirim, S Zhao, F Qiu, JD Flicker, B Peters, Z Wang "Leveraging High-Fidelity Sensor Data for Inverter Diagnostics: A Data-Driven Model Using High-Temperature Accelerated Life Testing Data" 2023 IEEE 50th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 1-7 (2023)

Shi J., Yildirim M., Gebraeel N. “A Stochastic Programming Model for Jointly Optimizing Maintenance and Spare Parts Inventory for Industrial IoT Applications” IISE Transactions (2022).

Fallahi F., Bakir I., Yildirim M., Ye Z. “A Chance-Constrained Optimization Framework for Wind Farms to Manage Fleet-Level Availability in Condition Based Maintenance and Operations” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2022).

Ramanan P., Yıldırım M., Gebraeel N., Chow E. “Decentralized and Secure Generation Maintenance with Differential Privacy” IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems (2022).

Tseng, F., Filev, D., Yildirim, M., Chinnam, R. “Online System Prognostics with Ensemble Models and Evolving Clustering” Machines (2022).

Ramanan P., Yıldırım M., Gebraeel N., Chow E. “Large-Scale Maintenance and Unit Commitment: A Decentralized Subgradient Approach IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2021).

Yildirim, S., Murat, A., Yildirim, M., Arslanturk, S. ”Process Knowledge Driven Change Point Detection for Automated Calibration of Discrete Event Simulation Models Using Machine Learning.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.05385,

Fallahi F., Yildirim M., Lin J., Wang, C. “Sensor-Driven Microgrid Generation Maintenance: Formulation and Impact on Operations & ResilienceIEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2021).

Bakir I.*, Yildirim M.*, Ursavas E. “An Integrated Optimization Framework for Multi-Component Predictive Analytics in Wind Farm Operations & MaintenanceRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2021) (* equal contribution).

Liu, Xingchen, Sun, Q., Zhisheng, Ye, Yildirim M. “Optimal Multi-Type Inspection Policy for Systems with Imperfect Condition MonitoringReliability Engineering and System Safety (2021).

Peters, B., Yildirim, M., Gebraeel, N., Paynabar, K. "Severity-Based Diagnosis for Vehicular Electric Systems with Multiple, Interacting Fault Modes" Reliability Engineering and System Safety (2020).

Yildirim, M., Gebraeel, N., Sun X. A. "Leveraging Predictive Analytics to Control and Coordinate Operations, Asset Loading and Maintenance" IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2019).

Ramanan, P.. Yildirim, M., Gebraeel, N., and Chow, E. "An Asynchronous, Decentralized Solution Framework for the Large Scale Unit Commitment ProblemIEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2019).

Basciftci, B, Ahmed S., Gebraeel N., and Yildirim, M. "Stochastic Optimization of Maintenance and Operations Schedules under Unexpected Failures." IEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2018).

[conf] Ramanan P., Yildirim M., Chow E., and Gebraeel N. “Asynchronous Decentralized Framework for Unit Commitment in Power Systems” ICCS 2017 International Conference on Computational Science, Zurich, Switzerland, (2017).

Yildirim, M., Gebraeel, N., and Sun X. A. “Integrated Predictive Analytics & Optimization for Wind Farm Maintenance and OperationsIEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2017).

Yildirim, M., Sun X. A., and Gebraeel, N. “Sensor-Driven Condition-Based Generator Maintenance Scheduling. Part 1: Maintenance ProblemIEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2016).

Yıldırım, M., Sun X. A., and Gebraeel, N. “Sensor-Driven Condition-Based Generator Maintenance Scheduling. Part 2: Integrating OperationsIEEE Transactions on Power Systems (2016).


Research Projects

Total funding support of $4.54M, with a personal share of $1.15M.

A subset of the Projects:

[1] Role: WSU PI, Agency: DoE, Title: Harnessing Sensor Data for Degradation Analytics and Operations Maintenance Optimization in PV Systems: A Prognostic Approach Collaborators: Feng Qiu - Argonne National Laboratory, Shijia Zhou - Argonne National Laboratory, Jack Flicker - Sandia National Laboratory, Zhaoyu Wang, Iowa State University, Funding Amount: $2.8M, My Share: $330K

[2] Role: Sole PI, Agency: NSF-CPS, Title: CRII: CPS: A Decentralized and Differentially Private Framework for Sensing, Operations and Respond Logistics in Large-Scale Vehicle Fleets Funding Amount: $174K, My Share: $174K

[3] Role: PI, Agency: NSF-EPCN, Title: GOALI: Collaborative Research: Load-driven power production versus load-initiated failure risks: Striking the optimal balance for improved wind farm profitability via digitization, predictive, and prescriptive analytics. Collaborators: Ahmed Aziz Ezzat - Rutgers University, Feng Qiu - Argonne National Laboratory, Joseph Brodie - Rutgers University, Mina Mousa - Cognite Inc. Funding Amount: $450K, My Share: $225K

[4] Role: Sole PI, Agency: Ford Motor Company, Title: New Architecture for Vehicle Health Man- agement to enhance scalability and data privacy Funding Amount: $150K, My Share: $150K

[5] Role: Co-PI, Agency: Ford Motor Company, Title: An Adaptive Monitoring Framework for Connected Vehicles in Dynamic Operational Conditions Collaborator: Ratna Babu Chinnam, Wayne State University Funding Amount: $50K, My Share: $25K

[6] Role: Co-PI, Agency: NSF, Title: I-Corps - Execution @ Speed of Thought Collaborators: Jeremy Rickli, Wayne State University, Funding Amount: $50K, My Share: $25K

[7] Role: Co-PI, Agency: MTRAC, Title: Factory Execution @ Speed of Thought Collaborators: Jeremy Rickli, Wayne State University, Funding Amount: $100K, My Share: $50K

[8] Role: WSU PI, Agency: DoE, Title: Autonomous Monitoring, Inspection Maintenance in MHK Fleets: Scalable Inference and Optimization for Effective Asset Health Management Collabo- rators: Feng Qiu - Argonne National Laboratory, Shijia Zhou - Argonne National Laboratory Funding Amount: $50K, My Share: $25K

[9] Role: WSU PI, Agency: DoE, Title: An Integrated Framework for Condition Monitoring Based Asset Management in Hydropower Fleets: Adaptive and Scalable Prognostics, Operations, and Maintenance Collaborators: Feng Qiu - Argonne National Laboratory, Shijia Zhou - Argonne National Laboratory Funding Amount: $50K, My Share: $25K

Awards and Honors

Publications [2,3]:
  • Finalist, INFORMS Quality Statistics and Reliability Best Student Paper Competition, November 2016
  • Finalist, INFORMS Data Mining Best Student Paper Competition, November 2015
  • First Place, Doctoral Colloquium Poster Competition, May 2015

Publication [5]: Winner, INFORMS Energy, Natural Resources and the Environment Best Student Paper Competition, November 2018


 Rickli, J.L., Yildirim, M., Kim, E., Epple, J., Kilani, M,2021, Factory Execution @ Speed of Thought, Provisional Patent Submitted, No. 2054691.


  • Ph.D. in System Informatics & Control/Industrial Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2016
  • M.S. in Operations Research, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2016
  • B.S. in Electrical & Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010
  • B.S. in Industrial & Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010

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