Evrim Dalkiran

Evrim Dalkiran

Associate Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering


Evrim Dalkiran


I received my B.S and M.S. degrees from the Department of Industrial Engineering at Bogazici University, Turkey in 2003 and 2006, respectively. Shortly after, I started my Ph.D. in Grado Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Virginia Tech under the guidance of Prof. Hanif D. Sherali and graduated in 2011. I specialized in global optimization and decision analysis, with applications in Healthcare Operations Management and Suppy Chain Management. I joined the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Wayne State University as an assistant professor in August 2011 and was promoted to associate professor in April 2018.

Courses Taught

  • IE 4310: Production Control
  • IE 6560: Deterministic Optimization
  • IE 7995: Special Topics in Advanced Optimization Techniques (New Graduate Course)
  • IE 7210: Linear and Nonlinear Optimization (New Graduate Course)
  • ISE 3214: Facilities Planning and Material Handling (Virginia Tech)

Research Projects


  1. Plant Complexity Reduction and Supply Chain Network Optimization, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, PI, 09/2016-02/2018, $125,840.
  2. Improving Emergency Department Patient Flow: Through Increased Accuracy and Visibility of Bed Supply and Demand at VHA. PI (25% share) for a continuation project funded by the Veterans Administration for $25,000, Fall 2014 (with Drs. Ratna Babu Chinnam, Alper Murat, Qingyu Yang).
  3. Supply/Demand Alignment Toolkit: Comprehensive Performance Monitoring and Management. Co-PI. (25% share) for a continuation project funded by the Veterans Administration for $47,500, Fall 2014. (with Drs. Ratna Babu Chinnam (PI), Alper Murat, Qingyu Yang).
  4. Improving Emergency Department Patient Flow: Through Increased Accuracy and Visibility of Bed Supply and Demand at VHA. PI (25% share) $100,000, 2013-2014. (with Drs. Ratna Babu Chinnam, Alper Murat, Qingyu Yang).
  5. Supply/Demand Alignment Toolkit: Comprehensive Performance Monitoring and Management. Co-PI. (25% share) for a continuation project funded by the Veterans Administration for $195,000, 2013-2014. (with Drs. Ratna Babu Chinnam (PI), Alper Murat, Qingyu Yang).

Research in Progress, Not Funded:

  1. Develop near real-time coordination tools for streamlining patient flow and improving care in emergency departments at Henry Ford Health System (with Dr. Ratna Babu Chinnam, and Seungyup Lee, Ph.D. student), Henry Ford Health System, 02/2016-Present.
  2. Estimating lipid management guidelines’ risk value of a life year on treatment, (with Dr. Murat Kurt and Niraj Pandey, Ph.D. student), 06/2006-Present.
  3. Non-parametric customer choice modelling in retail using optimization (with Dr. Ratna Babu Chinnam, and Elham Nosrat, Ph.D. student), Loven Systems, 01/2017-Present.
  4. Inverse mixed integer linear programming, (with Dr. Murat Kurt at Merck), 06/2006-Present
  5. Disjoint Bilinear Programming, (with Dr. Fatma Kilic-Karzan at Carnegie Mellon University), 2014-Present.
  6. A survey of algorithmic approaches for solving polynomial programming problems, (with Dr. Hanif Sherali at Virginia Tech University), 2013-Present.


† = mentored doctoral student,    ‡ = mentored M.S. student,  *= mentored undergraduate student,  § = other graduate student
  1. Umpfenbach, E.§, Dalkiran, E., Chinnam, R.B., Murat, A. (in press) Promoting Sustainability of Automotive Products through Strategic Assortment Planning, European Journal of Operational Research. doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2017.08.031
  2. Umpfenbach, E.§, Dalkiran, E., Chinnam, R.B., Murat, A. (in press) Optimization of Strategic Planning Processes for Configurable Products, Journal of the Operational Research Society.
  3. Zhou, C.§, Chinnam, R.B., Dalkiran, E., Korostelev, A. (in press) Bayesian Approach to Hazard Rate Models for Early Detection of Warranty and Reliability Problems using Upstream Supply Chain Information, International Journal of Production Economics. www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925527317302372
  4. Baruah, P.§, Chinnam, R.B., Korostelev, A., Dalkiran, E. (2016) Optimal Soft-Order Revisions under Demand and Supply Uncertainty and Upstream Information. International Journal of Production Economics. 182:14-25.  www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925527316301876
  5. Dalkiran, E., Sherali, H. D. (2016) RLT-POS: Reformulation-Linearization Technique-based optimization software for polynomial programming problems. Mathematical Programming Computation. 8(3): 337-375.  mpc.zib.de/index.php/MPC/article/view/185/106
  6. Dalkiran, E., Sherali, H. D. (2013) Theoretical filtering of RLT bound-factor constraints for solving polynomial programming problems to global optimality. Journal of Global Optimization 57(4): 1147-1172. link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10898-012-0024-z
  7. Sherali, H. D., Dalkiran, E., Liberti, L. (2012) Reduced RLT representations for nonconvex polynomial programming problems. Journal of Global Optimization 52(3): 447-469. link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10898-011-9757-3
    Best Paper Award, Journal of Global Optimization, 2012
  8. Sherali, H. D., Dalkiran, E., Desai, J. (2012) Enhancing RLT relaxations for polynomial problems via a new class of v-semidefinite cuts. Computational Optimization and Applications 52(2): 483-506. link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10589-011-9425-z
  9. Sherali, H. D., Dalkiran, E., Glickman, T. S. (2011) Selecting optimal alternatives and risk reduction strategies in decision trees. Operations Research 59(3): 631-647. pubsonline.informs.org/doi/abs/10.1287/opre.1110.0923
  10. Sherali, H. D., Dalkiran, E. (2011) Combined bound-grid-factor constraints for enhancing RLT relaxations for polynomial programs. Journal of Global Optimization 51(3): 377-393. link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10898-010-9639-0


  1. Dalkiran, E., Ghalami, L.† (2017) On Linear Programming Relaxations for Solving Polynomial Programming Problems, Computers & Operations Research.
  2. Dalkiran, E. (2017) Enhanced RLT Representations for Polynomial Programming Problems. International Journal of Operational Research.
  3. Dalkiran, E., Kocllari, V.* (2017) Recycling Route Optimization Based on Traveling Salesman Problem with Multiple Trips. Computers and Industrial Engineering.

Articles under Preparation:

  1. Pandey, N.K. §, Kurt, M., Dalkiran, E. Estimating Lipid Management Guidelines’ Risk Value of a Life Year on Treatment, targeted for Decision Analysis. (pp 1-25, 7/4/2017)
  2. Lee, S.†, Chinnam, R.B., Dalkiran, E. Proactive Inpatient Bed Reservations from ED to Reduce Patient Boarding, targeted for Management Science. (pp 1-40, 20/8/2017)
  3. Turgut, O., Dalkiran, E., Murat, A. Multi-objective branch-and-bound (MOB&B) algorithm for multi objective integer programming (pp 1-27).
  4. Hu, M., Dalkiran, E. The supplier contract with cost subsidy under asymmetric information
  5. Hu, M., Dalkiran, E. Sales switching decision to the internet platform of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) enterprise with asymmetric information (pp 1-15).
  6. Dalkiran, E., Sherali, H.D. A survey of algorithmic approaches for solving polynomial programming problems. (p 1-13)
  7. Kilinc-Karzan, F, Dalkiran, E. Disjoint Bilinear Programming.
  8. Kurt, M., Dalkiran, E. Inverse mixed integer linear programming.

Papers and Conferences

  1. Lee, S. ‡, Kim, K., Dalkiran, E. (2014) Harmonized Decision Modeling Process for Smart Grid Component Allocation. Proceedings of the Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing Conference, San Antonio, Texas.
  2. Barlas, Y., Dalkiran, E. (2008) Testing dynamic decision making under real-time pressure: A scuba diving simulator. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Athens.

Awards and Honors

  • Outstanding Faculty Award, Engineering Student and Faculty Board, WSU, 2016
  • IIE Great Lakes Region Student Technical Paper Competition (Faculty Advisor), 3rd Place, 2014
  • IIE Detroit Chapter Student Technical Paper Competition (Faculty Advisor), 2nd Place, 2013
  • Best Paper Award, Journal of Global Optimization, 2012
  • IIE Pritsker Dissertation Award, 2nd Place, 2012
  • Grado Fellowship, Grado Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2008-2011.
  • INFORMS Teaching Effectiveness Colloquium, Austin, TX, 2010. 
  • Virginia Tech Graduate Student Assembly Travel Fund for ISMP, 2009.
  • INFORMS Future Academician Colloquium, Washington, DC, 2008.
  • Teaching Assistantship, Grado Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2006-2008.

Other Professional Experience

  1. INFORMS Southeast Michigan Chapter
    • Treasurer, 2013-2014
    • Webmaster, 2014-2015
  2. Organizing Committee – INFORMS Southeastern Michigan Chapter Symposium, East Lansing, October 2014.
  3. Session Organizer and Chair: Nonconvex Optimization: Theory and Algorithms.
    • INFORMS Annual Meeting (2016, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010)
    • International Conference on Continuous Optimization, Lisbon, July 2013
    • 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP), Berlin, 2012.
  4. Referee for International Journal of Production Economics, European Journal of Operational Research, Operations Research Letters, Optimization Letters, Journal of Global Optimization, Optimization Methods and Software, OMEGA, Operational Research: An International Journal.


Ph.D., Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Tech, 2011 
M.S., Industrial Engineering, Bogazici University, Turkey, 2006
B.S., Industrial Engineering, Bogazici University, Turkey, 2003

Research Interests

  • Global Optimization
    • Reformulation-Linearization Technique (RLT)
    • Mixed-interger Nonlinear Programming (MINLP)
    • Multi-objective Integer Programming (MOIP)
  • Healthcare Operations Management
    • Patient Flow Management in Emergency Department
    • Supply-Demand Alignment
    • Diabetes Management
  • Supply Chain Mannagement
    • Assortment Planning and Customer Choice Modeling
    • Information Sharing
    • Models for Early Detection of Warranty and Reliability Problems

Professional Affiliations

  • Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
  • Mathematical Optimization Society
  • Women in OR/MS
  • Institute of Industrial Engineers


Courses taught by Evrim Dalkiran

Winter Term 2025 (future)

Fall Term 2024 (current)

Winter Term 2024

Fall Term 2023

Winter Term 2023

Winter Term 2022

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