Qingyu Yang

Qingyu Yang

Associate Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Chair of PhD and research program


Qingyu Yang


Dr. Qingyu Yang is currently an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Wayne State University. His research interests include data analysis, reliability and optimal maintenance policy, material informatics, AI-physics modeling, applied for complex manufacturing systems.   

He is the director of Reliability and Intelligent system lab and the co-director for Material Process and Manufacturing at Wayne State University. 

  • Associate Professor, 2016-present, Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Wayne State Univ. 
  • Assistant Professor,  2010-2016, Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Wayne State Univ. 
  • Research Fellow, 2008-2010, Dept. of Industrial and Operations Engineering, Univ. of Michigan

Courses Taught

  • IE7995 Multivariate Data Analysis
  • IE7220 Advanced Statistics Methods
  • IE7995 Statistical Methods for Reliability Engineering
  • IE6430 Computer Simulation Methods
  • IE4420 System Simulation
  • IE 4250 Engineering Data Analysis
  • DSA 6100 Statistical Methods for Data Science and Analytics (Data Science Program)
  • IE8950 Advanced Engineering Statistics (Global Executive Track)


Selected Peer Reviewed Journal Papers

  • Si, W., Yang, Q.*, and Wu, X., "Material Degradation Modeling and Failure Prediction Using Microstructure Images," Technometrics, in press, 2019. (2020 Wilcoxon Award for the best application paper in Technometrics)
  • Aminisharifabad, M., Yang, Q.*, and Wu, X., "A Penalized Autologistic Regression with the Application for Modeling Microstructure of Dual-Phase High Strength Steel, "Journal of Quality Technology, accepted, 2020. (GYRS Best Poster Award)
  • Si, W., Love, E., and Yang, Q.*, "Two-state Optimal Maintenance Planning of Repairable Systems With Covariate Effects," Computers and Operations Research, vol. 92, 17-25, 2018. 
  • Zhang, N. and  Yang, Q.*,"A Random Effect Autologistic Regression Model with Application for Characterizing Variation of Multiple Microstructure Samples," IISE Transactions on Quality and Reliability Engineering, vol. 48, pp 34-42, 2015. (selected for presentation in the IISE-sponsored session in the 2016 INFORMS conference).
  • Zhang, N. and Yang, Q.*, "Optimal Periodical Inspection-based Maintenance Planning for Multi-component Repairable System Subject to Dependent Competing Risks, IISE Transactions on Quality and Reliability Engineering, vol. 47, pp 521-532, 2015 (IISE Featured Article).
  • Yang, Q., and Chen, Y., "Sensor System Reliability Modeling and Analysis for Fault Diagnosis in Multistage Manufacturing Processes,IISE Transactions on Quality and Reliability Engineering, vol.41, pp 819-830, 2009. (IISE Trans. Best Paper Award, 2011)

Selected Peer Reviewed Proceedings

  • Si, W., Yang, Q.*, Wu, X., “A Functional Covariate Degradation Model for Degradation Analysis of Dual-phase Steel by Utilizing Its Microstructure Images, INFORMS annual conference, Houston, Texas, Oct 22-25, 2017. (Best Referred Paper Finalist Award)
  • Si, W., Yang, Q.* and Wu, X., "An Enhanced Functional Linear Model and Application in Reliability Analysis by Utilizing Material Microstructures," 2016. (ISERC Best Student Paper Award ). 
  • Zhang, N. and Yang, Q.*,"A Random Effect Autologistic Regression Model with Application for Characterizing Variation of Multiple Microstructure Samples," 2015. (ISERC Best Student Paper Award).  
  • Yang, Q., and Jin, J., "Separation of Individual Source Signals from Mixed Sensor Measurements," Proceedings of the 2009 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Miami, FL, pp 2253-2258, 2009. (IERC Best Paper Award)

Awards and Honors

  • Wilcoxon Award for the best application paper in Technometrics, 2020
  • Exllence in Teaching Award, College of Engineering, Wayne State Univ, 2020
  • INFORMS QSR Best Paper Finalist Award, 2017
  • Advisor and co-author for Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference Best Student Paper Award 2016
  • Advisor and co-author for Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference Best Student Paper Award 2015
  • Institute of Industrial Engineering Transactions Best Paper Award, 2011
  • Industrial Engineering Research Conference on Quality Control and Reliabity Best Paper Award, 2009
  • Reliability and Sensory Prognostic System Research Award, Univ. of Iowa, 2005
  • University of Iowa Student Government Scholarly Presentation and Research Grants, 2006
  • The University of Iowa Graduate Student Senate Travel Fund Award, 2006
  • Best Thesis Award, University of Science and Technology of China, 2003


  • Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, Univ. of Iowa
  • M.S., Statistics, Univ. of Iowa
  • M.E., Intelligent System,  Univ. of Science and Technology of China
  • B.S., Automatic Control, Univ. of Science and Technology of China

Courses taught by Qingyu Yang

Winter Term 2025 (future)

Winter Term 2024

Fall Term 2023

Winter Term 2023

Fall Term 2022

Winter Term 2022

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