Chin-An Tan
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
- +1-248-842-0855 (mobile)
- +1-313-578-5932 (fax)
- tan@wayne.edu
- 5050 Anthony Wayne Drive, Detroit, MI 48202
- Engineering Building
- Homepage URL
Chin-An Tan
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Professor Tan enjoys teaching and is dedicated to education. His research skills and interests are in the fields of structural dynamics, vibration, and control; systems analysis; and mechatronics. His current research is in advanced vehicle mobility solutions and autonomous/intelligent robotic systems. Prof Tan has many years of experience working on research problems with applications to automotive engineering (disc brake dynamics, advanced manufacturing) and civil engineering (moving loads on bridges, structural health monitoring of bridges). Details of research projects are found in the research page and general information in the faculty webpage. Professor Tan is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and was the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the College.
Courses Taught
Objectives and philosophy: (1) to reach out to students; (2) to help students build a strong foundation in engineering principles; and (3) to bring forth practical values of engineering education. Recent courses taught:
ME 2500 Numerical Methods and Programming Using MATLAB
ME 3400 Engineering Dynamics
ME 3300 Fluid Mechanics and Measurements Laboratory
ME 5400 Intermediate Dynamics
ME 5410 Engineering Vibration and Laboratory
ME 5995 Theory of Elastic Stability
ME 7400 Advanced Dynamics
ME 7410 Vibration of Continuous Systems
Global Courses:
- Global Engineering Program - Project based class for US and China students focusing on engineering problem-solving and global team building
- Vehicle Dynamics for Mobility - Project based class on applications of dynamics and controls principles and Simulink to understand ADAS and other advanced features in modern vehicle mobility
- Mechanical Vibrations - MOOC class, in preparation
Research Interests
- Structural dynamics and control
- Advanced vehicle mobility solutions
- Autonomous/intelligent robotic systems
- Intelligence in materials
Disc Brake Squeal: Mechanisms, Analysis, Evaluation, and Reduction/Prevention, Society of Automotive Engineers, 2005, F. Chen, C. A. Tan, and R. L. Quaglia, ISBN 0-7680-1248-1.
Sampled recent publications can be downloaded from the publications web page.
Professional Affiliations
- Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- Member, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
- Member, International Society of Optical Engineering (SPIE)
- Member, Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society
Awards and Honors
- Engineering Students Faculty Board (ESFB) Outstanding Faculty Award, College of Engineering, 2014
- Outstanding Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching, College of Engineering, 2009
- Outstanding Faculty Award in Leadership, College of Engineering, Wayne State University, 2000
- President's Award for Excellence in Teaching, Wayne State University, 1997
- Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Engineering, Wayne State University, 1996, 2000
- Outstanding Teaching Award, Mechanical Engineering Department, Wayne State University, 1996
- Teaching Innovation Award, College of Engineering, Wayne State University, 1996
- Research Initiation Award, National Science Foundation, 1991
- Faculty Research Award, American Natural Resources, 1990, 1991
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley
M.S. Aeronautics, Caltech
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley