Leslie Monplaisir

Leslie Monplaisir

Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs; Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering


Leslie Monplaisir


Leslie Monplaisir, Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering, is Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs in the College of Engineering at Wayne State University (WSU)

He is a Lead Researcher and Director of the Product Development and Systems Engineering Consortium (PDSEC) at WSU. His research interests are in the general area of Product Development Analytics and include: Lean Product Development, Design for lean Systems and Services and Design reuse, Product Architecture Optimization, Design for Supply Chain, Global Product Platform Optimization and Healthcare Technology System Design He has authored over 100 publications in these areas with funded research from NSF, Ford, GM, Sun Microsystems, Tardec, VA and PTC.

Monplaisir joined the College of Engineering at Wayne State University in the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering in 1996 from Florida A & M University where he was a visiting assistant professor. He earned his PhD in Engineering Management from the Missouri University of Science and Technology (MUST), a masters in Computer Integrated Manufacturing from the University of Birmingham in Great Britain, and bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from the University of the West Indies in Trinidad.

Research Interests

  • Product Design Analytics
  • Product Plaform and Architecture Optimization 
  • Collaborative Product Design and Development (CPDD)
  • Integrated Manufacturing and Design of Agile Manufacturing Systems
  • Application of computational intelligence tools to support concurrency in product realization.


  • Monplaisir, L.F., with S. Salhieh.(2003) "A Collaborative Planning Framework for Distributed Product Design and Development" Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Volume 14 (6), pp. 581-597(17)
  • Prasad, B., and L. Monplaisir (2005) Integrated Fuzzy Logic Based Model for Product Modularization During the Concept Development Phase. International Journal of production Economics 96, pp 157-174.
  • Nepal, B. P., and Monplaisir, L. 2006. A methodology for integrating design for quality in modular product design, Journal of Engineering Design, Volume 17, No. 5, October 2006, 387409
  • Musonera, E, Yaprak, A. and Monplaisir, L. 2007. Modeling FDI Attraction: An Optimization Application, Journal of Midwest International Business Research, Vol. XX March, 127-135.
  • Musonera, E., Ojah, K., and Monplaisir, L., (2007), Are Country Risk Factors Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into the East African Community? Southwest Review of International Business Research, Vol. 18, 175-189
  • Nepal, B. P., Monplaisir, L., (2007). A Framework to Integrate Desihgn for Reliability and Maintainability in Modular Product Design International Journal of Product Development, Volume 4, Number 5, 459 484.
  • Nepal, B. P., Monplaisir, L., Singh, N., Yaprak, A., 2008. Product modularization considering costs and manufacturability of modules, International Journal of Industrial Engineering. Vol.15 (2), 132-142.
  • Nepal, B. P., Yadav, O.P, Monplaisir, L., Murat, A, 2008. A framework for capturing and analyzing the failures due to system/component interactions, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 24, 265-289.
  • Famuyiwa, F., Monplaisir, L., Nepal, B., 2008. Integrated fuzzy logic based framework for partners compatibility rating in OEM-Suppliers strategic alliance formation, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 113, 862-875.
  • Monplaisir, L. and K. Ojah, (2009). Strategic Competition, Valuation, Costs and Growth Potential: The Example of Global Product Design and Development. Multinational Business Review. Volume 17, 1, 47-69.
  • Musonera, E, Yaprak, A. and Monplaisir, L. (2009) An Optimization modeling approach to FDI attraction, Journal of International Business Research and Practice, Vol3, 16-27.
  • Benjamin Colin O., Leslie Monplaisir, Clement K. Sankat and Denise Thompson. (2009) Industrial Engineering Education and Research: Current Issues and Future Directions for the Caribbean Journal of the Association of Professional Engineers (ISSN 1000 7924), Volume 37 Number 1, pp.5-17.
  • Mc Nicol, J, Leslie Monplaisir and Babu Chinnam. (2009) A Framework for Developing a CSCW Environment to Improve Concept-Based Decision Making. Int. J. Collaborative Enterprise, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp 39-52.
  • Aguwa, C and Monplaisir, L. (2010) Integrated Fuzzy-Based Modular Architecture for Medical Device Design and Development. Journal of Medical Devices. ASME Journal of Medical Devices, Vol. 4, Iss. 3., September 2010.
  • Nepal, B., Famuyiwa, F., Monplaisir, (2011) L. A multi-objective supply chain configuration model for new products, International Journal of Production Research, Volume 49, Issue 23, 2011
  • Wang, G., Nepal, B. P., Monplaisir, L., Ponsock, S. (2011) Integrated Framework for Component Variety Management: A Case Study, Int. J. Services and Operations Management, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2011.
  • Awad, M and L. Monplaisir (2011), Selection of free zone industrial plants proposals using analytic network process (ANP), Int. J. Applied Decision Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2011.
  • Monplaisir,L. Nepal, B., and Famuyiwa, O.(2011) A Multi-Objective Supply Chain Configuration Model for Modular Product Design. To appear in Journal of the APETT (Volume 40 Number 1)
  • Nepal, B., Famuyiwa, F., Monplaisir, (2011) Matching Product Architecture with Supply Chain Design EJOR Volume 216, Issue 2, 16 January 2012, Pages 312325
  • Monplaisir, L and Aguwa, C. (2012) Rules Modification on a Fuzzy-Based Modular Architecture for Medical Device Design and Development, IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering 2, 59-51.
  • Aguwa C., Leslie Monplaisir and Ozgu Turgut, (2012) Voice of the Customer: Customer Satisfaction Ratio Based Analysis, Expert Systems with Applications 39 (11), 10112-10119.
  • Yadav, O. P.**, Thambidorai, G., Nepal, B.P.* and Monplaisir, L.F. (2014), “A Robust Framework for Multi-Response Surface Optimization Methodology”, Quality and Reliability Engineering International (Impact Factor 0.680). Vol. 30, Iss. 2, pp 301-311. |SNIP: 1.524| GS: 5| Scopus: 3 | Role: S|.
  • Limon, S., Yadav**, O.P., Nepal**, B., Monplaisir, L.F. (2015), “Enabling comprehensive failure analysis of complex physical system using cognitive map-based approach” International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp. 114-144. |SNIP: 0.400| GS: | Scopus: 0 | Role: S|.
  • Kramer, G., Haapala, K., Murat, A., Chinnam, R.B., Kim, K.Y., Monplaisir, L., and Lei, T., “Directions for Instilling Economic and Environmental Sustainability across Product Supply Chains,” Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 112, Part 3, pp. 2066–2078, 2016.
    (Impact factor: 4.959, Google Scholar:5, Scopus:2, Role: E)
  • Celestine Aguwa, Mohammad Hessam Olya, Leslie Monplaisir, Modeling of Fuzzy-based Voice of Customer for Business Decision Analytics, Knowledge-Based Systems, Available online 27 March 2017, ISSN 0950-7051, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.knosys.2017.03.019. (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0950705117301466)
  • Fadeyi, J. A., Monplaisir L. F., Aguwa C., (2017). The Integration of Core Cleaning and Product Serviceability into Product Modularization for the creation of an Improved Remanufacturing-Product Service System. Journal of Cleaner production 159, 446-455. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.05.083.
  • Elham Ahmadi, Milad Jasemi, Leslie Monplaisir, Mohammad Amin Nabavi, Armin Mahmoodi, Pegah Amini Jam, New efficient hybrid candlestick technical analysis model for stock market timing on the basis of the Support Vector Machine and Heuristic Algorithms of Imperialist Competition and Genetic, In Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 94, 2018, Pages 21-31, ISSN 0957-4174, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2017.10.023.
  •  Afrina, K., Nepal, B. and Monplaisir, L. A data-driven framework to new product demand prediction: Integrating product differentiation and transfer learning approach. Expert Systems With Applications 108 (2018) 246–257
  • Si, Wujun; Yang, Qingyu; Monplaisir, Leslie; Chen, Yong; Reliability Analysis of Repairable Systems With Incomplete Failure Time Data, IEEE Transactions on Reliability 67, 3, 1043-1059, 2018.
  •  Arash Zandi, Reza Ramezanian & Leslie Monplaisir (2019) Green parallel machines scheduling problem: A bi-objective model and a heuristic algorithm to obtain Pareto frontier, Journal of the Operational Research Society, DOI: 10.1080/01605682.2019.1595190
  •  Milad Jasemi, Leslie Monplaisir, Pegah Amini Jam, Development of an efficient method to approximate the risk measure of Lower Partial Moment of the first order, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 135, 2019, Pages 326-332, ISSN 0360-8352,
  • Celestine C. Aguwa, Leslie Monplaisir, Ozgu Turgut, Will Jordan, and Egbe-Etu Etu (2019). “Design Evaluation Method of Reusable Medical Equipment for Optimal Modularization”, Cogent Engineering, 6(1), 1636516. https://doi.org/10.1080/23311916.2019.1636516
  • Hamid Hosseini Nesaz, Milad Jasem, Leslie Monplaisir A new methodology for multi-period portfolio selection based on the risk measure of lower partial moments, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 144, 15 April 2020, 113032, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2019.11303

Professional Affiliations

  • Senior Member IISE
  • Member INFORMS
  • Fellow IEOM

Awards and Honors

  • Outstanding Faculty Award; College of Engineering, Wayne State University  (April 2000)
  • Excellence in Teaching Award; College of Engineering, Wayne State University (October 2000)
  • Outstanding Faculty Award; College of Engineering, Wayne State University (April 2001)
  • Best Professor Award, Engineering Management Masters Program (EMMP) Class of 2001
  • Tau Beta Pi, Michigan Epsilon Chapter (October 2002)
  • Best Engineering Student; University of the West Indies; (1986 and 1987)
  • Alpha Iota Delta - Decision Sciences Honorary Society


Ph.D.- 1995 (Engineering Management) University of Missouri-Rolla
M.S. - 1991 (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) University of Birmingham; England
B.S. - 1987 (Engineering) The University of the West Indies; St. Augustine, Trinidad

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