Harpreet Singh

Harpreet Singh

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering


Harpreet Singh



  • Year Appointed/Rank: 1981 Visiting Professor
  • Year Awarded Tenure: 1986
  • Year Promoted to Full Professor: 1984


  • Technical Teacher Trainee, University of Roorkee, October 1963 to September 1966.
  • Lecturer, University of Roorkee, October 1966 to November 1970.
  • Reader, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, November 1970 to September 1974.
  • Associate Professor, University of Roorkee, October 1974 to April 1976.
  • Professor, University of Roorkee, April 1976 to September 1981

Research Interests

Computers, software engineering, intelligent systems

Research Projects

Research in Progress, Not Funded

  • System Theoretic Approach to Computer Hardware and Software
  • Neural Network approach to System and Network design
  • Neural Networks for image compression
  • VLSI Architectures
  • Microprocessor Applications

 Funded Research in Last Ten Years

  • Principal Investigator, "Modern Approaches to Sensor Fusion Problem,:grant from General dynamics, $50,000 for one year, April 1985 to March 1986. Zhu, Mingfa, Ph.D., 8 person months, Santosh Hassani, M.S., 8 person months, T. Kim, Ph.D., 4 person months, Surender Bhattarai, M.S., 5 person months

  • Principal Investigator, "Guidance and Control of Autonomous Land Vehicles," $25,000 for one semester, January to May 1986; Sanjay Dua, 5 person months, Navjot Singh, 5 person months, Co-Principal Investigator P.Siy

  • Principal Investigator - Modification of PIPE Computer - General Dynamics, $50,000 January 1986 to December 1987,Co-Principal Investigators P.Siy and R.Barnard

  • Principal Investigator - Target Recognition - Phase I, General Dynamics,  $20,000, September to December 1986, Co-Principal Investigator P.Siy.

  • Arranged the donation of KAREL robot from GMF Robotics, Market cost $43,000.

  • Helped in preparing the proposal for undergraduate lab equipment.  The proposal resulted in a grant of $250,000 for five years from Detroit Edison, 1985.

  • Principal Investigator - New Algorithms in Adaptive Routing Networks, $15,000, General Dynamics, July to November 1988

  • Principal Investigator - Data Compression using Fractals, $10,000, General Dynamics, April 1989. Co-Principal Investigators P.Siy and D.Bedi.

  • Principal Investigator - Evaluation of the Performance of RISC Machines against CISC Machines, $10,000, General Dynamics, April 1989. Co-Principal Investigator, J.Bedi.Software Engineering Approach to the Development of Industry-Business Simulator, $13,474, ORSPS, Wayne State University.

  • Machine Language Implementation for Industry-Business Simulator, $5,414, ORSPS, Wayne State University.

  • Equipment from IMR, $41,512 Wayne State University.

  • Principal Investigator - Error detection and correction for Digital Communication $15,000, General Dynamics, May 1989 to Dec. 1989.  Co-Principal Investigator J.S. Bedi.

  • Principal Investigator - Development of an algorithm for Software Security, $10,000, General Dynamics, June 1989 to Dec. 1989.  Co-Principal Investigator J.S. Bedi.

  • Software security algorithms using zero knowledge proofs and interactive password techniques, $10,000, General Dynamics, April 1990 to August  1990.  (With J.S. Bedi). 4-44606

  • Principal Investigator - Algorithms for errors detections and corrections ...frequency .. hopped ... systems, $15,000, General Dynamics, April 1990 to August 1990.  (With J.S. Bedi). 4-43594

  • Principal Investigator - Performance Evaluation of RISC processors, $15,000, General Dynamics, April 1990 to December 1990 (with J.S.Bedi). 4-43576

  • Co-Principal Investigator - Characteristics of computer communication media, $74,929, Ford Motor Company, June 1990 to February 1991 (with S. Mahmud).

  • Neural Net Approach For Cylinder to Cylinder Air Fuel Ratio, Ford Motor Company, $ 24,976, May 90 - Oct 91. 443064

  • Characterization of Clutter and Target Detection - Battelle for TACOM, $15,200 + $16,000 as consulting, December 1992.

  •  Human Observer Model for Multispectral Clutter Definition. Battelle for TACOM, $30,000, April 1993

  • Development of an Algorithm for Range Estimation for Electric Vehicle, Ford Motor Co.  $25,000, June 1993.

  • Development of Software for Automotive Quality Control, Microsystems, Sterling Heights, MI.  $5440, June 1993.

  • Development of Software for Automotive Quality Control, Phase II, Microsystems, Sterling Heights, MI.  $11,000, September 1993.

  • Silicon Graphics Computer, donation, TACOM, $80,000 (approx.), 1994.

  • Interdisciplinary research award, WSU, $6,500, 1995.

  • Development of Software Package fro a Hybrid Control System Design. Ford Motor Company. $25,000, 1995.

  • Fatigue and fracture behavior in cast iron (fuzzy logic approach) With S. Pututunda, Ford Motor Company, $85,000 (1995-96)

  • Influence of Microstructure on fracture toughness of Austempered Ductile Iron (with S. Putatunda), Ford Motor Company, $85,600, (1996-97)

  • Fuzzy logic for input/output data. Ford Motor Company, $25,000.

  • Fuzzy logic for cutting tool life and selection. Ford Motor Company, $40,000 .

  • Fuzzy/Neuro Fuzzy Logic Controllers for Robotic and semi-Robotic Ground Vehicle Technology. $40,000. Battelle for TACOM (1998/99).

  • Austempered Ductile iron research, $45,000 with S.Putatunda (1999-)

  • On PET scan for small animals. internal WSU grant $20,000.co-investigator,F.Sarkar.(1997.)

  • Multiplexed wiring for Automobiles, EGS , $63,600, July 1999.

  • Automobile Multiplexing, EGS, 1999-2001,  $1,04,449

  • Management of Client server ,Singh Development,1999-2000, $33,753

  • Development of Virtual Lab. For  Battelle ,2000-2002 , $37,745

  • Fuzzy Logic Approach to Sensor Fusion , Battelle ,2002-Present $12,496

  • Fuzzy logic for material processing, WSU ,2001-2002,$10000

  • Fuzzy Logic for Image Fusion and 3D Displays, TACOM, 08-01-02 to 07-31-03 $20,000

  • Graduate Research,Singh Development, 01-01-03 to 12-31-03 $25,000

  • Visiting Research Professorship, Singh Development, 05-15-03 to 9-14-03 $15,000

  • Students Projects, Brar Circuits, 07-01-02 to 12-31-03,  $5,000

  • Collaboration with IET Bhaddal, IET Bhaddal, India 06-01-02 to 08-31-03  $10,000

  • Students Projects, New Urban Network, 07-01-02 to 12-31-03, $4,000

  • Masters Program(with Yang Zhao), General Dynamics , 01-01-02 to 04-30-03   $39,125

  • Image Segmenetation and ROI similarity estimation, Henry Ford Health Systems 09-01-03 to 8-31-04  $15,000.

  • Image Fusion for mine and ice detection. TARDEC, TACOM  03-01-04 to 02-28-06  $25,000

  • Computers in physical therapy. Sunshine Health Services 09-01-03 to 12-31-04  $28,100

Professional Affiliations

  • Fellow, IETE (India)

  • Senior Member, IEEE

  • Member, Sigma Xi

  • Member, Eta Kappa Nu

  • Member, System Society of India

  • Member, Engineering Society of Detroit

  • Member, American Society of Engineering Education

Papers and Conferences

D.         Papers Published in Conference Proceedings

                  Refereed Papers

  1. "Network Design Using Digital Computer," 10th Technical Convention, ITE (India), 1966.  Co-author, M. Lal.

  2. "Computer Algorithm for the Synthesis of N port LC Networks - A State Model Approach," Int. Symp. Network Theory, U.K., 1971.  Co-author, M. Lal.

  3. "State-Space Interpretation of Classical Results in Network Theory," 9th Allerton Conf. on Circuit and System Theory, University of Illinois, October 1971.  Co-author, M. Lal.

  4. "Synthesis of a Class of N-port RLC Networks - A State Model Approach," Fifth Asilomar Conference on Circuits and Systems, Nov. 1971, pp. 635-639.  Co-author, M. Lal.

  5. "Determination of Impedance Matrix, Given Z(s)+Z'(-s) Using a State Variable Technique," Symposium on System Control and Applications, Dept. of Electrical Engg., University of Roorkee, December 16-18, 1971. Co-author, M. Lal.

  6. "A Simplified Minimal Realization," at Symposium in OsmaniaUniversity, 1973.  Co-authors, M. Lal and K.A. Khan.

  7. "Generalized Pipelined Cellular Array," Workshop on Computer Architecture and System Design, Hyderabad, July 1973. co-authors, A.K. Kamal and D.P. Agrawal.

  8. "On the Simplification of Boolean Functions," Computer Society Convention, 1973, New Delhi.  Co-author, D.P. Agrawal.

  9. "An Iterative Array for Multiplication and Division," Computer Society Convention, 1973, New Delhi.  Co-author, D.P. Agrawal.

  10. "An Algorithm for Computing the Terminal Reliability of a Communication Network," 12th Annual Allerton Conference on Circuit and System Theory, October 2-4, 1974.  Co-authors, A.K. Kamal, N.K. Nanda and I. Mukherji.

  11. "Sensitivity Invariants Using State Variables," 12th Annual Allerton Conference on Circuit and System Theory, October 2-4, 1974.  Co-authors, M. Lal and J.S. Sohal.

  12. "State Equations for Network Using Superposition Principle," 18th IETE Tech. Convention, New Delhi, March 1975.  Co-authors, M. Lal and J.S. Sohal.

  13. "Continuously Equivalent Time Varying Networks in State-Space," 18th  IETE Tech. convention, New Delhi, March 1975.  Co-authors, M. Lal and J.S. Sohal.

  14. "SensitivityState Models for Composite Systems," 18th IETE Tech. Convention, New Delhi, March 1975.  Co-authors, M. Lal and J.S. Sohal.

  15. "SensitivityState Models for Composite System," Int. Symp. on Operator Theory of Network and Systems, August 1975 (Montreal).  Co-authors, M. Lal and J.S. Sohal.

  16. "Sensitivity Invariants for Markov Parameters," Int. Symp. on Operator Theory of Networks and Systems, August 1975 (Montreal). Co-authors, M. Lal and J.S. Sohal.

  17. "On a Simplified Irreducible Realization Algorithm," 18th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Montreal, August 1985.  Co-author, R. Parthasarathy.

  18. "A Method for Determining Minimal Realization Using Moments," 5th Iranian   Conference, Electrical Engineering, Shiraz, Iran, October 1975.  Co-author, R. Parthasarathy.

  19. "Synthesis of a Class of RLC Multivariable Networks Using State Space Technique," 9th Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computers, Nov. 1975, USA.  Co-author, J.S. Sohal

  20. "Reduced Order Realization of a Symmetric Transfer Function Matrix Using Markov Parameters and Moments," presented at National System Conference, March 1976.

  21. "Realization of Delay Transfer Function Matrix over GF(2)," National  System   Conference, March 1976.  Co-author, K. Garg.

  22. "State Variable Realizations of Multivariable Transfer Functions," 19th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, August 16-17, 1976.  Co-author, J.S. Sohal.

  23. "System Realization over GF(2)," 19th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, August 16-17, 1976. Co-author, K. Garg.

  24. "Inverse of Complex Systems," 20th Annual Technical Convention, IETE, New Delhi, December 11-12, 1976.  Co-authors, J.S. Bedi and A.K. Kamal.

  25. "Sensitivity of Complex Biological Control System," 6th All India  Symposium on Biomedical Engg., I.I.Sc. Bangalore, December 14-16, 1976.  Co-author, B.C. Gargash.

  26. "On Time Varying Codes for Secure Communication," Annual Convention of Computer Society of India, Poona, January 4-12, 1977. Co-authors, J.S. Bedi and A.K. Kamal.

  27. "Sequential circuit Minimization," 20th Midwest Symposiun on Circuits and Systems, August 15-19, 1977, Texas, USA.  Co-authors, D. Grover and J.S. Sohal.

  28. "Canonic Realization of Rate k/n Encoders and Decoders Using Matrix Continued Fraction," 20th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, August 15-19, 1977, Lubbock, TX.  Co-authors, J.S. Bedi and A.K. Kamal.

  29. "Distributed Lossless Network Synthesis Using State Space Method," 20th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems," August 15-19, 1977,   Texas.  Co- author, J.S. Sohal.

  30. "Dynamical Approach to Picture Transmission by Multiplexing," 1st Int.     Conf. on Applied General Systems," Recent Development and Trends, August 15-17, 1977, Birmingham, AL, USA.  Co-author, J.S. Bedi.

  31. "Time-Varying Convolution Codes: A System Theory Approach," 15th Allerton Conf. on Communication, Control and Computing, Monticello, VA, USA, September 1977.  Co-authors, J.S. Bedi and A.K. Kamal.

  32. "On Invertibility of Linear Time Invariant Dynamic Systems" presented at 20th Annual Technical Convention IETE, New Delhi, December 11-12, 1977. Co-authors, J.S. Bedi and A.K. Kamal.

  33. "On Transformation to the Phase Variable Canonical Form for the Time Varying Systems," Proc. 33rd Annual Tech. Meeting of Institution of  Engineers, P. H. and H. Centre, Chandigarh, July 16, 1978.  Co-authors, K. Singh and J.S. Bedi.

  34. "Determination of Delay Transfer Function Matrix From the Realization of a Linear Sequential Machine," Proc. 5th National System Conference, Ludhiana, September 4-6, 1978.  Co-authors, R.P. Bector, K.K. Garg and J.S. Bedi.

  35. "Feed Forward Delay Free Inverse for Time Varying Sequential Circuits," Proc. 5th National System Conference, Ludhiana, September 4-6, 1978. Co-authors, J.S. Bedi and A.K. Kamal.

  36. "An Algorithm for the Realization of Time Varying Linear Sequential Circuits from the Given Impulse Response Matrix Over GF(2), Proc. European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD-78) Lausanne, Switzerland, September 6-8, 1978.  Co-authors, A.K.Kamal and J.S. Bedi.

  37. "An Algorithm for the Realization of Linear Time Varying Dynamical Systems" Silver  Jubilee Tech. convention of IETE, New Delhi, November 2-4, 1978.  Co-authors, J.S. Bedi and A.K. Kamal.

  38. "Non-Minimal Realization of Time Varying Sequential Machines over GF(2)," All India Seminar on Computer Applications in Power Systems,    Institute of Engineers, (India), Calcutta, November 14-15, 1978.  Co-authors, J.S. Bedi and P.V. Gupta.

  39. "An Algorithm for Computing the Terminal Reliability of an Interconnected Power Transmission Network," All India Seminar on computer Applications in Power Systems, Institution of Engineers, Calcutta, November 14-15, 1978.  Co-authors, J.S. Bedi and P.V. Gupta.

  40. "A Minimal Canonical Realization Algorithm for Moore Type Linear Sequential Machines," Annual Convention of Computer Society of India, CSI-79, Bangalore, January 22-25, 1979.  Co-authors, R.P. Bector, K.K.Garg and J.S. Bedi.

  41. "A Computer Algorithm for Computing the Terminal Reliability of an Interconnected Power Transmission Network," Annual Convention of Computer Society of India, CSI-79, Bangalore, January 22-25, 1979. Co-authors, J.S. Bedi and P.V. Gupta.

  42. "Three Dimensional State Space Model of Digital Computer Memory," Symposium on Mini Microcomputers and Automation, E.C.E. Department U.O.R., Roorkee, March 28-30, 1979.  Co-authors, R.P. Bector, K.K. Garg and J.S. Bedi

  43. "Canonical Realization of Linear Sequential Machines from Input Output Sequences," Symposium on Mini Microcomputers and Automation, E.C.E. Department, U.O.R., Roorkee, March 28-30, 1979.  Co-authors, R.P. Bector, K.K. Garg and J.S. Bedi.

  44. "A State Space Model of Digital Computer Memory," 2nd International Conference on Information Systems and Sciences, Patras, Greece, July 9-13, 1979.  Co-authors, R.P. Bector, K.K. Garg and J.S. Bedi.

  45. "Determination of Transition Matrices for Time Varying Linear Sequential Machines over the Field GF(2)," National Systems Conference, Baroda, November 1979.  Co-authors, J.S. Bedi and P.V. Gupta.

  46. "Petri-Net Approach to Computer Hardware and Software," Presented at 3rd Polish-English Seminar on Real Time Systems, May 20-23, 1980, Jadvisin, Warsaw.Co-authors, A.K. Khan, N.K. Nanda and D. Grover.

  47. "On Transfer Function Matrix and State-Space Representation of Systems," Invited Paper presented at the Polish Conference on Mathematical Techniques, Electrical Engineering, Ogonapalskic Symposium Metody Matenatyozne W. Elektrotechniel MME-9 Pokrzywna K. Gluckolazaw, May 26-31, 1980, Opole, Poland.

  48. "A Petri-Net Approach to Compute the Terminal Reliability of a Communication Network," Proc. Pacific Telecomm. Conf., Honolulu, HI, pp. A5-13 to A5-17, January 12-14, 1981.  Co-authors, A.A. Khan, G.S. Hura and N.K. Nanda.

  49. "Optimal Interconnection in the Design of Microprocessors and Digital Systems Through Petri Nets," accepted for presentation at 10th IFIP Conf. System Modeling and Optimization, August 31-September 4, 1981. Co-author, A.A. Khan.

  50. "Petri Net Approach to the Analysis of a Structured Program," accepted for presentation at the Asilomar Conference, Nov. 1981. Co-authors, G.S. Hura and N.K. Nanda.

  51. "Petri Net Approach to the Throughput Evaluation of Programs at Register Transfer Level," accepted for presentation at 13th Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modelling and Simulation, April 22-23, Pittsburgh, PA. Co-authors, D. Grover and N.K. Nanda.

  52. "A Petri Net Approach for the Minimization of Sequential Machines," presented at the Int. Conf. on Modelling and Simulation, Paris, July 1-3, 1982. Co-authors, D. Grover and N.K. Nanda.

  53. "On the Identification of Parallelism in Cross Assembler Using Petri Nets," presented at the International Conference on Modelling and Simulation," Paris, July 1-3, 1982.  Co-authors, G.S. Hura and N.K. Nanda.

  54. "Petri Net Approach to Evaluate Maximum Compatible Classes in Data Path Organization of Modern Computers," presented at the 25th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Houghton, August 30-31, 1982.  Co-authors, D. Grover and N.K. Nanda.

  55. "Plotter Aids Logic and Computer Design," 4th Polish-English Seminar, May 30-June 2, 1983.  Co-author, L.A. Smith.

  56. "On Bit Sequential Multiplier," accepted for presentation at 6th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, June 20-22, 1983, Aarhus, Denmark.  Co-authors, R. Donthi and M. Saleem.

  57. "Mathematical Modelling of Multidimensional Systems and their Applications," 4th Int. Conference on Mathematical Modelling, August 15-17, 1983. Co-author, M.G. Forrest.

  58. "A Review of the State-space Approach to Robotics," Proceedings Robotic Intelligence and Productivity Conference, No. 18-19, 1983, Wayne State University, Detroit, pp. 204-213. Co-author, M.G. Forrest, M. Rabins.

  59. "Parallel Solutions of Differential Equations and VLSI Implementation," Proceedings. Euromicro 1984, August 30, 1984, pp. 327-334. Co-author, Y.Wallach.

  60. "End Point Position Control of a Single Link, Two Degree of Freedom Manipulator with Joint Compliance and Actuator Dynamics," Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Computers in Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, August 4-8, 1984.  Co-authors, M. Forrest, S.M. Babcock and M.J. Rabins.

  61. "Distributed Processing for Real Time Applications," 1984 Int. Conf. on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation, October 22-26, 1985, Tokyo, Japan. Co-author, J.S. Bedi.

  62. "Petri Nets of Programming Languages - A Unified Modeling approach," National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, Dayton, OH, May 19-23, 1986.  Co-author, G.S. Hura.

  63. "Intelligent Robot Networks," Int. Conf. on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Budapest, Hungary, June 16-19, 1986.  Co-authors, J.S. Bedi and F. Westervelt.

  64. "Family Realization of Two- and Three-Dimensional Systems," 30th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, August 17-18, 1987, SyracuseUniversity.  Co-author, A.M. Eydgahi.

  65. "Petri Nets Approach to Modeling System Knowledgebase," 30th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, August 17-18, 1987, SyracuseUniversity. Co-author, N. Chamas.

  66. "CMOS VLSI Versus Optoelectronic Implementation of Cellular Architecture for Pipelined Arrays," 30th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, August 17-18, 1987, SyracuseUniversity.  Co-authors, Navjot Singh and Hardish Singh.

  67. "Timed Neural Petri Nets," Computer Science and Statistics, Interface 88, Fairfax, VA, pp. 568-571, April 20-23, 1988, Co-author, N. Chamas.

  68. "Petri Net Approach to the Design of Parallel Processing and Distributed Software Engineering, 31st Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, August 9-12, 1988, St. Louis, MO, 1988. Co-author, Lisa Anneberg.

  69. "Probabilistic Conflict Petri Nets," 31st Midwest Symposium on Circuits  and Systems, August 9-12, 1988, St. Louis, MO, 1988. Co-author, N. Chamas.

  70. "A Generalized Optical Pipeline Cellular Array," 31st Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, August 9-12, 1988, St. Louis, MO, 1988, Co-author N. Singh.

  71. "Petri Net Approach in Determining Adaptive Routes for Hypercube Networks," Twentieth Annual Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, May 4-5, 1989.  Co-authors, Jin Soo Kim, D. Kaur and G. Azar.

  72. "Sequential machine representation of Petri Net Diagrams," Twentieth Annual Pittsburgh conference on Modeling and simulation, May 4-5, 1989.  Co-authors, R. Kaushal, J.S. Bedi and N. Chamas.

  73. "Generalization of petri-net state equation," 32nd Midwest symposium on circuits and systems, August 14-16, 1989. Co-author N. Chamas.

  74. "Petrinet approach for software development under pipeline and parallel processing architectures," 32nd Midwest symposium on circuits and systems, August 14-16, 1989.  Co author L. Anneberg.

  75. "Reliable estimation of hypercubes and hypernets using spanning tree approach," 32nd Midwest symposium on circuits and systems, August 14-16, 1989.  Co-author, D. Kaur and R.P. Kaushal.

  76. "Simulation of system theoretic algorithm for image compression," IASTED International conference on applied simulation and modeling, Santa Barbara, pp. 34-38, Nov. 13-15, 1989.  Co-authors Satyendra Bhama and D. Kaur.

  77. "Software engineering approach to software security," IASTED international conference on applied simulation and modeling, Santa Barbar,   Nov. 13-15, 1989. Co-authors, D. Kaur, George Schleis, and Robert Mann.

  78. "A Generalized PetrinetState Equation." Proceedings of 32nd Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Aug. 14-16, 1989, Urbana-Champane, Vol. 1, pp. 161-164, Co-author, N. Chamas.

  79. "A Petrinet Approach to Software Development Under Pipeline and Parallel Processing Architectures."  Proceedings of 32nd Midwest Symposium on Circuits and systems, Aug. 14-16, 1989, Urbana-Champane, Vol. l, pp. 653-656, Co-author, L. Anneberg.

  80. "Reliability Evaluation of Hypercutes and Hypernets Using Spanning Tree Approach."  Proceedings of 32nd Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Aug 14-16, 1989, Urbana-Champane, Vol. 2, pp. 927-930, Co-authors, D. Kaur, R.K. Kaushal.

  81. "The parallel simulation of the fractal compression and decompression," 21st Pittsburgh conference on modeling and simulation, May 3-4, 1990. Co-authors, J.S. Kim and D. Kaur.

  82. "VSLI-design-based data compression approaches in real-time artificial intelligence," 21st Pittsburgh conference on modeling and simulation, May 3-4, 1990. Co-author Shivendra Bajpayee

  83. "Petrinet approach for requirement analysis phase of software engineering," 21st Pittsburgh conference on modeling and simulation, May 3-4, 1990. Co-authors, L. Anneberg.

  84. "Petri-net approach to software analysis," 21st Pittsburgh conference on modeling and simulation, May 3-4, 1990. Co-authors L. Anneberg.

  85. "Modeling Petri-net for object oriented design," 21st Pittsburgh conference on modeling and simulation, May 3-4, 1990. Co-authors, Jae Doo Chung,  Arun K. Hundiwal and Neelam Singh.

  86. "Determination of software reliability," 21st Pittsburgh conference on modeling and simulation, May 3-4, 1990. Co-author, L. Anneberg, R. Kaushal, and N. Chamas.

  87. "Detection of Parallelism in a system using petri-nets," 21 Pittsburgh conference on modeling and simulation, May 3-4, 1990. Co author, I. Khalil, I. Qureshi, I Ghosh, M. Saeed, and K. Sai.

  88. "Optical Storage Performance and Evaluation," Optical Information System '1990'," the tenth annual Conference and exposition sponsored by Meckler Corporation. Co-author Bailochan Behera, Sept. 10-13, 1990.

  89. "Neural Networks for Dynamic Image Modeling." Proceedings of 6th Annual Aerospace Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference (AAAIC 90). Co-authors, S. Bhama, D. Kaur.

  90. "Parallesim in the Implementation of the K-L Transform for Image Compression."  Proc. Of International Conference on Concurrent Engineering and Electronic Design Automation '91 (CEEDA '91), Bournmouth, UK, Co-authors, S. Bhama, N.N. Phadte.

  91. "Single Layer Neural Architecture for Dynamic Image Modeling." Proceedings of 22nd Annual Modeling and Simulation Pittsburgh Conference, Part 3, pp. 1315-1322, May 2-3, 1991.

  92. "Parallel Processing Architecture for Determination of Markov Parameters from Input-Ouput Sequences."  Proceedings of 22nd Annual Modeling and Simulation Pittsburgh Conference, Part 3, pp. 1171-1176, May 2-3, 1991, Co-author, J.S. Kim.

  93. "Neural Network Architecture for Determination of State Space Matrices from Markov Parameters."  Proceedings of 22nd Annual Modeling and Simulation Pittsburgh Conference, Part 3, pp. 1298-1305, May 2-3, 1991, Co-author, J.S. Kim.

  94. "Parallel Processing Computation Algorithms for Hierarchical Hypercube."Proceedings of 22nd Annual Modeling and Simulation Pittsburgh Conference, Part 3, pp. 1323-1332, May 2-3, 1991, Co-author, R.K. Kaushal.

  95. "Neural Network Approach for Constrained State-Space Realization." Proceedings of 34th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and systems, May 14-17, 1991, Monterey, CA, Co-author, J.S. Kim.

  96. "Analysis of Multiplex Bus System."  Proceedings of 1991 Instrumentation Measurement Technology Conference, IEEE, May 14-16, 1991, Atlanta,  Georgia, Co-authors, S. Mahmud, D.G. Seth.

  97. "Determination of number of neurons in hidden layers for binary error correcting codes." Proceedings of SPIE, April, 1992, Orlando, Florida, Co-authors, J.S. Bedi, M. Hussain.

  98. "Simulation of heuristic random optimization technique for the estimation of air-fuel-ratio in automobiles," 23rd Annual Modeling and Simulation Pittsburgh Conference, April 30-May 1, 1992, co-author Jin Soo Kim.

  99. "Simulation of Boolean neural networks," 23rd Annual Modeling and Simulation Pittsburgh Conference, April 30-May 1, 1992, co-author A. Hundiwal.

  100. "Software specifications representation utilizing petrinets a matrix analysis," 23rd Annual Modeling and Simulation Pittsburgh Conference, April 30-May 1, 1992, co-author L. Anneberg.

  101. "Simulation of gradient technique for the estimation of air-fuel-ratio in automobiles," 23rd Annual Modeling and Simulation Pittsburgh Conference, April 30-May 1, 1992, co-author S. Bhama.

  102. "On petrinet approach for determining the path and the terminal reliability in a hypercube networks," Accepted for presentation in Tencon 92 Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 11-13, 1992, co-author, L. Anneberg.

  103. "VLSI-design-based data compression approach in real-time robotics system," AIAA/ASME/IEEE Mini-Symposium, Oakland University, Rochester, MI May 11, 1991, co-author, S. Bajpayee.

  104. "Neural Networks for Continuous-Time Systems Modeling From Input/Output Data, S. Bhama, 36th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Detroit, MI. Aug. 16-18, 1993.

  105. "Circuit Theoretic Approaches for Software Complexity",  36th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Detroit, MI. Aug. 16-18, 1993, co-author, L. Anneberg.

  106. "Neural Net Approach for Passive RLCT Network Synthesis, 36th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Detroit, MI. Aug. 16-18, 1993, co-author, J.S. Kim.

  107. "Two Dimensional Clutter: A New Definition, 36th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Detroit, MI. Aug. 16-18, 1993, , co-authors, M. Bhaskara, V. Gautam, S. Singh, T. Meitzler and G. Gerhart.

  108. "State-Space circuit synthesis using Neural Nets," 36th Midwest symposium on Circuits and Systems, Aug. 16-18, 1993, co-authors J. S. Kim.

  109. "Fuzzy Logic Approach in determining the range of electric vehicle," Proc. of 37th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Louisiana, pp. 1519-1522, Aug.  1994, co-authors H. S. Bawa, S. Barada, B. Bryant and Anneberg.

  110. "Boolean Neural Networks for Target Detection," Proc. of the third international conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision, Singapore, Vol. 1 of 3, pp. 563-565, Nov. 1994, H. S. Bawa, A. K. Hundiwal, T. Meitzler and G. Gerhart.

  111. "Management of effective Verification and Validation," International Conference on Management, Singapore, June 1995, co-authors H. S. Bawa, A. S. Dhaliwal, T Meitzler and G. Gerhart.

  112. "Fuzzy Logic in Control of Microstructure and Mechanical properties of Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI)," International Conference on Automation, Indore, Dec. 12-14, 1995, co-authors H. S. Bawa, S. Barada and S. Putatunda.

  113. "Relative Clutter Metric: A new Tool for Image Analysis," International Conference on Automation, Indore, Dec. 12-14, 1995, co-authors Chen, T. Meitzler and G. Gerhart.

  114. "Boolean Neural Network Realization of Pipelined Array Adder-Subtractor Cell," International Conference on Automation, Indore, pp. 71-73, Dec. 12-14, 1995, co-authors H. S. Bawa, L.Arafeh, L.Anneberg and E.Yapark.

  115. "Relative Clutter Metric," Second Asian Conference on Computer Vision, N.T.U Singapore, pp. 804-809, Dec 5-8, 1995, co-authors T.Meitzler and G. Gerhart.

  116. "Terminal Reliability of Distributed Computer Systems using Binary Decision Diagram," International Conference on Automation, Indore, pp.89-91, Dec. 12-14, 1995, co-authors S. Vaithilingam, R.Anne, L.Anneberg and G.Mann.

  117. "Distributed Processing Techniques for Generation of Dertouzos Tables," Proceedings of the ISCA International Conference on Parellel and Distributed Computing Systems, Orlando, Florida, pp. 337-342, Sep 21-23, 1995, co-author Jason Sodergen.

  118. Multiple Output Reliability for circuits. Proceedings Midwest Symposium on Circuits and systems.1995.coauthors:H.S.Sekhon and Lisa Anneberg.

  119. "Wavelet Transforms for Computing the Probability of Detection," Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing VII, Vol 2743, April 10, 1996, pp. 302-310. co-authors T. Meitzler, T. Karlsen, G. Sohn, R. Gerhart.

  120. "The Fuzzy Logic Approach for Computing the Probability of Target Detection in Cluttered Scenes," Proceedings of the 7th Annual Ground Target Modeling and Validation Conference, Aug., 1996 co-authors T.Meitzer, T. Gerhart, L. Arafeh.

  121. "The Fuzzy Logic Approach to Computing the Probability of Detection in Visual Scenes," Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing VIII, Vol 2743, April 20 1997. co-author T. Meitzler.

  122. On computing the multiterminal reliability of interconnected communication netwrok architectures.Accepted for internatonal conference on advanced  computing.Madras,Dec.97.coauthors-N.Rabadi,T.Singh,T.Meitzler and G.Gerhart.

  123. Computing the probability of target detection in infrared and visual scenes using fuzzy logic approach. Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3063, Orlando, 23-24 April 1997, pp 2-11. Co-authors: T. Meitzler, Labib Arefeh, G.Gerhart and Euijung Sohn.

  124. Predicting search in visual scenes using fuzzy the fuzzy logic approach. Co-authors T Meitzler, E Sohn. Proceeding of SPIE April 7-8, 1999 Orlando Florida.

  125. Computing search time in visual images using the fuzzy logic approach. RTO workshop organized by the System Concept and Integration panel, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 21-23 June 1999.

  126. (Invited Paper) Scaling a Neuro Fuzzy Systems and applications to 3-D Visualization and robot path planning, Co-authors: Deok Nam, Steven Muench-Casanova, Grant Gerhart, Rich Goetz, IFSA/NAFIPS 2001, Vancouver , Canada, July 25-28 ,2001.

  127. Simulation of robot path planning by 3-dimensional (3D) visualization using neuro fuzzy systems (NFS). Co-authors Deok Hee Nam and Grant Gerhart. IEEE SMC Conference, Arizona, October 2001.

  128. Classification of Search Time for Target Detection using Multivariate th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE 2001) ,Co-authors Deok Hee Nam, Kyung-Jae Ha, Tom Meitzler and Grant Gerhart. 15. Las Vegas Nov  2001

  129. Fuzzy logic based sensor fusion of images .Co- authors T. Meitzler,D.Bbednarz E.Sohn K.Lee,D.Bryk, E. Berkanks,Gulsheen Kaur, S Ebenstein,G.Smith,Y. Redin, J.Rankin,Aerosense 2002, April2-5 Orlando, 2002

  130. Fuzzy logic based sensor fusion for Mine Detection and Concealed Weapon Detection.Co- authors T. Meitzler, E.J.Sohn,D.Bryk,

    Kimberly Lane
    , Jyoti Raj. Aerosense 2003, April21-24 Orlando, 2003
  131. Development of a Virtual Mobile Robot Laboratory.

  132. Harpreet Singh, Hardarshan Singh, Jyoti Raj and Grant Gerhart

  133. Defense and Security Symposium, Orlando,  April 12-16,2004

  134. Image fusion using fuzzy logic and applications.Harpreet Singh, Jyoti Raj, Gulsheen Kaur and Thomas Meitzler, FUZZ-IEEE 2004 International Conference on Fuzzy Systems  July25-29, 2004

Awards and Honors

  • Khosla Research Award (highest), 1970

  • Gold medals (Joint)

  • Khosla Research Certificate, 1975 (Joint)

  • Khosla Medal , 1979 (Joint)

  • Khosla Medal , 1979 (Joint)

  • Distinguished Alumni Award, 1983, Awarded by President of India


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